Safety Wise is the world’s leading training provider of the globally accepted systemic safety investigation analysis method known as ICAM.
As the home of the ICAM methodology, you can rely on us to investigate, train and generate real improvement at your organisation.
Our goal is to assess the individual needs of our customers and offer a comprehensive solution. We work closely with major suppliers and manufacturers to ensure that the latest innovations in safety are pushed into industries as soon as they become available.
Our facilitators are experts in their field and include expertise in psychology, human factors, crisis management, and OHS.
Safety Wise continues to lead the way, providing ICAM services in all industries including mining, aviation, construction, human resources, health, defence, and others.


Duration: 90 MINUTES
Become more situationally aware and understand the rapidly changing dynamics of Occupational Violence and Aggression.
Situational Awareness

Duration: 1 DAY
Designed for individuals who may participate in the investigations of low-level events and near misses
Fundamentals of Investigation & 5 Whys

Duration: 4 HOURS
This Course provides a high-level overview of the ICAM process and discusses key organisational management perspectives. Designed for directors and senior managers within an organisation.
ICAM Governance for Managers

Duration: 90 MINUTES
This Course provides a high-level overview of the ICAM. Designed for accountable officers, including C-Suite and Board members, where ICAM investigations are undertaken.
ICAM Governance for Accountable Officers