Occupational Violence and Aggression (OVA) is becoming an issue in many industries, including those we never thought we'd expect to see.
This online self-paced course has been designed with the knowledge and skills taught to police over 30 years.
Our online training facilitator has taught police to be safe in hostile environments, in areas such as driver training, law, firearms, defensive tactics, close personal protection, counter-terrorism, hostage negotiation, suicide intervention, and critical incident response. These tactics have protected prime ministers, presidents, royalty, ambassadors and VIP dignitaries.

DURATION: 90 Minutes
Safety Wise saw an ever-increasing need for staff, in every workplace to become more situationally aware and understand the rapidly changing dynamics of Occupational Violence and Aggression.
We train staff to recognise the signs of OVA and maintain their safety and other customers in the vicinity until law enforcement or security arrive. Being situationally aware with great communication skills.
In this new decade of dealing with the consequences of the pandemic, we are now seeing almost daily reports in the media of violence in the workplace, especially as employers grapple with the various mandates introduced around vaccinations, wearing of masks and similar initiatives.
In this training, we'll be providing a combination of online, self-paced training, as well as the options for hands-on practical training using state-of-the-art Virtual Reality (VR), to train staff to understand what situational awareness is and to recognise OVA, including de-escalation skills and how to remain safe when faced with these situations. This training is not a self-defence class in the martial arts or the use of weapons.
The great thing about this training is it's not only for workplaces. These are life skills that can be used for any situation, whether at work, at home, out in public, on public transport or any other scenario where human interaction occurs.
The skills taught have saved lives! Skills that we can teach you, to protect your life and others close to you.
What will you learn?
In our training, we'll cover the following topics:
How to be safe in unsafe situations.
Why do we need to be situationally aware?
The dangers of tunnel vision.
Understanding levels of awareness.
Assessing a situation.
Recognising violence indicators.
De-Escalation Skills.
How to utilize action vs. reaction.
Using cover and concealment.
Understanding time and distance.