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The Global Reach of ICAM

Steve Horne

From humble beginnings in 2002, Safety Wise has led the charge to deliver ICAM Investigation training across the globe with over 70,000 people trained face-to-face in over 43 countries (Closer to 120,000 when online learning is factored in).

Last week, an exciting milestone was achieved with the first ever ICAM Lead Investigator training course being delivered in Chinese, with Chinese material in China. To date Safetywise has delivered our course to clients in China in English with simultaneous translation. The opportunity to facilitate a project in China does not come along that often. Facilitating a high level, high quality Lead ICAM investigator course with an international company in China takes that to another level.

A total of 20 participants from Sibelco Asia ( attended the 4 day program held on site in the Jiangsu Province.


Sibelco developed their international plan for the implementation of ICAM across their business units globally; in this planning they developed a full training needs analysis to include language and culture variances (very challenging in a country like China that has at least 7 dialect groups!).

This led to the standard two day Lead ICAM course being specifically tailored to suit the needs of the various parts of the business. The two day course was deliverd in Australia, North America and Europe, a three day Lead ICAM course for Malaysia and Thailand and a four day Lead ICAM course for China.

The four day course for China involved the translation of the Lead ICAM course materials and interactive and 3D videos into Mandarin and identifying a very good translator who has not only the capacity to translate but also some understanding of industry and the ability to recognise stumbling blocks in translation.

This type of project and this type of training requires a comprehensive training plan that maps each stage of the ICAM process and materials across both languages. Time was then spent developing and ensuring the right pace and detail level with the interpreter, ensuring continual feedback on reaction, understanding and cultural or translation differences.

To add an extra layer of complexity to this project, Safety Wise was in the process of undergoing a significant project to rebrand- colours, logos and other aspects of the business.

The Sibelco Chinese project 4 day course enabled Safetywise to develop additional culturally sensitive case studies for hands-on practical confirmation of learning at each stage. This was a major initiative from Sibelco investing in their people and the project proved its value throughout the training especially on the fourth day with participants presenting the findings of their case studies to a high standard.

The multi-media materials developed by Safety Wise assisted and encouraged attendees to perform effectively as they become immersed in the various interactive activities. This is a major innovation developed by Safetywise for ICAM training shifting away from the traditional Power point slide show. Couple this with the video translation to Mandarin, including subtitles was appreciated by the students as they commented favourably on the quality each day.

Before Translation

Before translation

After Translation

After translation


Some key points on the delivery:

  • The Class was a mix of HSE, Operations and Engineering Maintenance and Technical people, with representatives from both China and Taiwan. This is where the Interpreter has to use all their skills to relate complex and sometimes foreign concepts such as: The need to stay focused on each stage of the ICAM process and not to attempt to change the process.

  • Identify the Human Error type so it can be addressed and not guess or be driven by group think

  • Once the action or inaction is identified don’t stop there and work through to the Organisation Factor.

  • Understand the point where control is lost not just the consequence of the event

  • Recommendations cannot be developed until ICAM is completed.

Safetywise facilitator – Steve Horne and the first Sibelco China ICAM Lead Investigators

Other Languages

Safety Wise has also translated ICAM tools and regularly delivers training in the following languages-

  • French

  • Portuguese

  • Russian

  • Spanish

  • Indonesian

Interested In Knowing More?

Further information on Safety Wise’s ICAM Training, Products and Services is available from our website:


ABOUT THE AUTHOR- Steve Horne (Investigator/Trainer)

After a successful career in government service and completing his post-graduate studies, Steve applied his skills to industry, initially working in the refinery and construction industries.

This led to successful terms with the transport and chemical industries before moving to mining. These roles included engagement overseas and in Australia and led to a series of managerial roles in occupational health safety and training, including environmental portfolios on occasions. These roles included underground and open pit operations in a diverse mining group of products from coal to iron ore and gold.

After recognising a need for quality training within his chosen profession, Steve entered the legislative training arena working with CCIQ and ATBS delivering Certificate IV, Safety Officer, Safety Representative and associated legislative training.

In 2009 Steve qualified as a Principal Consultant with Safety Wise and now facilitates investigations and investigation training in Australia and overseas.

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