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Business Representative

Govind Goenka

Business Development Team

Govind is a Commerce Graduate based in the Eastern part of India, the city of Kolkata, known as the mining and metal capital of India.

Govind has worked for many years in international trade and marketing, specialising in commodities, metals, apparel and the mining sector.

With experience in international trade across Europe, Africa, the Middle East, the Pacific and South East Asia has allowed him to build extensive overseas networks. Marketing of technology and skills further strengthened exposure to domestic, Governmental and private multi-national companies, especially in the mining and metal industry.

Govind's goal is to bring the best-in-industry incident investigation training and services to improve mine safety performance across India.

Govind has extensive experience in:​

  • Market Research

  • Strategic Planning

  • Brand Promotion

  • Business Development

  • Product market placement

  • Execution of international business

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